Friday, April 3, 2009

breakfast with Denzel

About six weeks ago my family headed south for a weekend trip, amazing White Sands included.

On our way we visited White Oaks, a former ghost town which is now - like so many other places - rediscovered by artists. Off season and quite deserted in February we got the idea of how it used to be like!

We thought this mansion could easily have been the background for "Psycho".

Close by Carrizozo was quite a bit more charming, because there was Roy's.

Sundaes, milk shakes and a real cool vintage flair, we loved it all.

And Roy also told us what it was about all the weird construction on the main road and the kinda important looking people on bikes, that were a little too casually cool dressed to be construction workers or builders. They were working on the movieset for "Book of Eli" with Denzel Washington, mid March they were expecting the film crew for the actual shooting! You could almost see them hanging out at Roy's already - I'm sure they loved that place - so authentic!

I was not aware of the fact that Denzel Washington was continuing the shooting of the movie after that in New Mexico until this morning. That's when I had my breakfast with Denzel. No, of course I did not meet him, sillies, he was in the paper after donating quite a large amount of money for the Roswell's Boys and Girls Club.

This guy is here for work, certainly quite stressed, that's how I imagine the movie business, he watches a local newsreport about the club's financial problems and whips out his checkbook. Now how cool is that for a famous actor, I'm asking you??

Yeah for Denzel Washington, you rank even higher now on my personal list of great actors - for being a generous, kind and thoughtful person as well.

And "Thank you!" from the little me for supporting that Club, which will now be able to survive!

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