Saturday, February 13, 2010

I still love you

Even though this could or even should be about my husband since to this day we have been married for 12 years, this is not about him. (Happy anniversary, my love!)

Nor is it about my sweet son, who spread mud all over the house this morning. Hmpfff.

Or my equally sweet daughter, who was very .... hmm, I shall call it "uncooperative" last night.

No, inspired by Cathy's post about tea here I came to think about the change in my habits when it comes to hot beverages, that is latte vs. tea.

While in my twenties I used to drink a lot of hot tea, flavored black tea. Most likely everybody did in the 80s, right?! Habits changed towards coffee (I spare you the details) and right now I have my latte every morning, sometimes one in the afternoon, sometimes an espresso after dinner and have been the proud and happy owner of an ECM machine for 4 years now.

However, tea has never been forgotten, I had my cup of rooibus off and on. And I've always loved to shop for handmade tea mugs, I'm very specific about the shapes that I dig.

Pretty much for all my adult life I've been hunting for vintage tea tins, most of these being German flea market finds and now they have come back to being well used:

Just last year I got back into tea, that is brewing a pot in the afternoon, my favorite for quite a while being "Viennese Delight" from Collectibilitea here in Albuquerque, but - boohoo - they closed, which brought me back to Kroegers in Hamburg, Germany.
I admit it, I shamelessly use my connections over there (thank you Oma and Doris!) and have stashed up on flavored green and black teas. Think marzipan, caramel, strawberry cream, Hawaiian sunset...! Kroeger's is the best, bottled water, preheat your teapot, 3 minutes, a bit of honey, yum.

This good stuff is stored in above mentioned tins and there is a whole drawer dedicated to tea now.


I do indeed still love you, my dear ECM!

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