Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In the garden

Blueberries, raspberries and apricot tree are done.
Laundry? Dream on.


  1. I wish I had a place for a garden. Too much shade for anything to grow.

  2. Oh, gardening, how wonderful! It snowed up here this
    Thanks for the offer of a spinning lesson. I feel like a real dufus. I can knit, but I can't spin. It's like my fingers won't draft the roving.
    Thanks again for the offer. Hopefully, some day I'll get down there but until then I'll just have to keep watching You Tube and

    Can't wait to see your berries this summer. I love blueberries. My Grandma used to make schwarzbeere (blackberries) and dumplings in a sugar and cream sauce and oh my, how awesome it was. I still love blueberries and blackberries. Yummy!
    knittinmar on Ravelry
    Marilyn in Aztec
