Tuesday, September 7, 2010

what was and what's left

There was the tornado. The hurricane. The visit of the family! My brother, his wife, their two girls and Oma.

Three weeks of upside down familylife doubled up. Time crawled and flew.

We shared good laughs.

And good times.

Thoughtful and generous gifts were much appreciated!

Thank you!
The brother went on a Porsche shopping spree and ended up in Porsche heaven.
The latest toy is patiently waiting in our garage for transfer to the German Autobahn.
All is good.


  1. what great photos - they all made me smile. Isn't family great? it must be very hard to be so far away from them.

  2. Hola Dag,
    so viel Familie bei Euch.
    Und der Hammer Wagen, den dein Bruder gekauft hat. Wann wird er verschifft?
    Greatings aus dem Urlaub hier in Polen
