Sunday, December 26, 2010

Today in Abq

You see him and you wonder, if it is Apple heaven or Apple hell.
Heaven it is. Trust me, I know.
I hope your Christmas was as good as his - it could not have been any better.


  1. Waaaaaay Cute!! I hope your Christmas was good as well!
    Is it too early to wish you a Happy New Year?
    Wishing I had a trip planned to Abq!
    Cathy G

  2. Who doesn't love apple? I was playing with some new apps and have a grand ol' time! I hope you had a great holiday too.

  3. Cooooooool, das ist der Hit. Da muss ich doch mein winzig Geschenk auch mal zeigen.
    Liebe Grüße aus Windhoek Doris

  4. Haha, this is so funny! Love your adventures in wool and spinning. Happy New Year!
