I finished his second pair of socks, the Zauberball ones, on a weekend trip.
He had to try them on right away.
I met deadlines, finishing my inventory sheet for the Spider's Market, a guild event coming up March 25 and 26 at the Albuquerque Garden Center.
If you love fiber arts, handmade artsy crafty stuff or anything fiber related, you do not want to miss this!
Sheep on a Spring will be represented with yarn, spinning fibers, knitted stuff and more.
For the first time I have assembled these precious little packages... dyed wool fabrics for rug hooking or applique needlework. Don't they look yummy?
The star mat is blocked and patiently awaits finishing of the edge. It is one of the hooked rugs that will be displayed at the 2011 Fiber Arts Fiesta in May. - Picture submitted, another deadline met.
I hooked the last loops close to midnight the other day, because I really wanted to block the mat asap. 

This view awaited me in the morning:
The frame did not stay empty for long, woolens were stripped, a design that had been lingering in my mind was transferred onto linen and today I started.
The perfect project for this time of the year, spring is in the air.
And look what came in the mail!
This delightful package arrived from Maryland for Fiona and me to share.
Fiona calls her bracelet from Kellie her lucky charm and gives me reasons why - of course - it has already helped her for real! 
It held letters and gifts from the Kiln for both of us!
Fiona is thrilled about her new penfriend, my friend Mary's daughter. This is so sweet to watch, it reminds me of the beginnings of my treasured friendship with my French penfriend Isa so many years ago. Now we are both married, both have kids of our own...*sigh*
Fiona calls her bracelet from Kellie her lucky charm and gives me reasons why - of course - it has already helped her for real!
And this is my beautiful goodie - this gorgeous pendant... Mary, I adore your work, you are so incredibly talented!
My first thought was, this is my new sun and I had to bring it out in the garden to hold it up in the blue New Mexican sky in front of our mountains.
Last, but certainly not least, there was another sweet gift. Just this morning my rug hooking friend Mary surprised me with this fuzzy little guy for my sheep/tool collection...
Thank you, my friends!!