The itch was real bad after
Amber got her fabulous new double treadle Lendrum up and running. So this weekend I finally pulled my wheels out and got spinning. I spun up some batts of wool-alpaca-silk blends and plied the gorgeous rusty mohair yarn, that I had spun a while ago. Yarn is wet from a brief bath, so pictures have yet to be taken. Fun.
There was also a date with husband, which brought us to Old Town and - what a lucky "coincidence" :-) - to the relatively new yarnshop
Fiber Chicks. They have one whole wall dedicated to consignment yarns and part of my newly spun yarns will soon be available for sale there. Good.
On Sunday then I had a visitor from my Maryland past, my oh-so-talented friend Dalis,
here on Ravelry! I was thrilled that she made time for me, even brought me some fiber goodies! If your travels ever bring you to her area in Maryland, just north of D.C., you have to visit her little shop with a big selection of high quality yarns, fibers and related items on her
farm or checkout her beautiful handdyed yarns available on Etsy
Time flew by and she had to leave too soon.

- Travel safely, friend!
Ready for the bad part?
Here is a look back to last summer, when Lewis tore a ligament in his foot just the day before we flew to Germany. Trampoline injury. Splint and crutches, pain and real bad swelling. Fortunately grandma owns this little cart and this is how we'd wheel him around.

Yesterday, total deja-vu, other kiddo, trampoline, After Hours Pediatrics, Emergency Room for X-rays, fortunately no fracture. And here she is today, foot up and swollen real bad, little Miss Bigfoot.

Spends the day on the sofa, ice on as much as possible, getting spoiled by her mama.
My kids and trampolines don't go together. We don't own one and never will.
Not compatible. Period.