Even though my girl generally enjoys having her picture taken, she doesn't like to model in specific clothes, even more when changing is involved. And, boy, did I want her to model the new "green line" dresses for me.
I am creative, I grab a chance when I get it, so today...
"Mom, where is my bacon?" (that being said one hour after I called and asked if she wanted some)
"It's gone."
"But I wanted some!"
"Sorry, when you didn't come, we ate it all!"
"I want bacon!"
Me, in my mind "Ha!!"
Out loud "Okay, I'll fix you some bacon, but only if you model the new dresses...!"
(Sneaky, huh?!)
You have to know, that I have not made bacon in years, so the advantage was clearly on my side, the appetite for the stuff fueled by deprivation, didn't matter that it was "just" turkey bacon!
So far the purple one is her favorite, but she has already stated, that she wants all the dresses, that don't sell at the Hip Stitch
"Hipsters Craft Fair"!
That's my girl...!