Last week was quite emotional for me.
My baby, my son, my first born turned 10 on the 13th. He was impatiently looking forward to the day, mostly because of the presents. This is how it has been for as long as he has realized, what is going on. However, I see the changes in him, a lot more consciousness of self, growing maturity, and I get a glimpse of what's to come.
I can very well embrace the change, being the woman that fell in love with an American and started a new life and family in the USA - you probably figure. However, looking back at those days of innocence and little-boy-being makes me so sad, because they are forever gone.
Just a few days old, born at 10 lbs. 4 oz:
About a year old with uncle Ralf in Germany:

On his 4th birthday in Maryland, when we still lived in our very first house:

On his 7th birthday in Maryland:

In 2007, after the move to New Mexico, when he had the longest hair ever:

Turning 10:

On Saturday we celebrated with a total of 8 kids and a splash - he had wished for a pool party.
We had a few prizes for pool games and the best "goodie bags" ever: My friend Cheryl, who is about to launch her own business (I will keep you updated), provided us with the test version of reusable little treasure pouches! Those were - filled with personalized notebooks and diving torpedos - attached to pool noodles.

I was thrilled to see Lewis use his to carry his diving toys, when he made his way to the pool the next day! Way to go, Cheryl, and thanks again for letting us be the guinea pigs!

And to you, my sweet son, I say, what I always say jokingly, when I feel that time flies by too fast:
Won't you finally stop growing...!