Friday, March 13, 2009

Mom, where are the mountains?

Another rainy day in Abq. When I went out to run/burn some calories/get soaked/think, the rain put a smile on my face! At times we don't get too much of that good stuff in Abq, so you can actually enjoy it, when it finally rains! By the time I was high up on the trails the rain had turned into snow and then stopped and when I turned and looked at the city, I was rewarded with bright sunrays on the center of town and the mountains were finally visible, the bigger part of them covered with new snow.

While my father used to run in solitude and enjoyed listening to the sounds of the forest, I like music for my runs. I need a good beat, I have a long list in my playlist "runningstuff", and with the music my mind wanders.

As so often this past week my mind went to the past. It probably all started last Saturday with my friend Carolyn's 50th birthday party, I talked a lot about the past with Carolyn and also Deb, I've been listening to "old" songs like this or this, emailed with an old friend in Germany, that I had lost touch with for years, and I've been digging through photos, that are more than 15 years old. I remember parties, vacations, windsurfing, my first car (a beautiful blue Toyota Celica sportscar!) and standing out from all those memories the great friendship, that I've always shared with my brother, who lives in Germany. I stumbled over this photo, which summarizes somehow a lot of this and thought that I have not looked at it in too long.

It shows, who we were and kind of how we got to be where we are now in our relationship and it really makes me happy to look at it!
So for Tracey's vintage photo Friday I chose some even older pictures of the two of us.

Have a great weekend, especially you, my dear brother! I miss you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dag!
    Es scheint, als ob ich Dich zu einem "Trip-in-die-Vergangenheit" inspiriert hätte, hmh?
    Schöne Fotos von Dir und Deinem Bruder.
    Lesen kann ich die Blog-Einträge zwar weitgehendst schon...nur in Englisch schreiben trau ich mich diesen Kommentar nicht so ganz ;-)
    Besonders weil da ja jemand (Du) ist den ich "kenne" und vor dem ich mich wg. meiner mangelnden Englischgrammatik schämen würde. Blöd, gell?!
    Aber so ist sie nun mal die Psychologie.
    Viel Erfolg bei Deiner Abnehmerei und Deinem Joggen wünscht Dir
