Tuesday, April 13, 2010

this morning

It is all about the light.
Just like Visty I feel that the light has a special quality these days. But you have to hit the right moment.
On the breakfast table just before it got cluttered with the typical chaotic setting before school:

And this is what I see when I step out my back door. Especially gorgeous this morning with the sun just peeking over the Sandias (East would be on the right side on the picture - obvious, when you pay attention to the shadows) and the tips of the mountains covered in bright white clouds:

I can tell, this will be a beautiful day!
Silly Ike, rolling on his back, feels exactly the same way!


  1. Oh, how pretty the mountains look! The mountains just north of us are getting snow as we speak. It was snowing here about 45 minutes ago but then turned into a gentle drizzle and has now stopped. The grass is loving it!
    DH & I us a nice natural Spring tonic on our grass and it greens up so fast. I can't wait for Summer.
    Marilyn in Aztec

  2. oooh yes mornings like have to be captured!!! thanks for sharing!!! loved the pics, made my day
